Environmenal Policy

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Environmental and Sustainability Policy Statement and Objectives

At the Admiral Swimming Centre we recognise that many of our activities provide an important opportunity to reduce our pollution, protect and improve the environment in which we work and serve. We are therefore focused on managing and reducing the environmental impacts of our business and that of our suppliers. We attribute a high priority to the development and use of materials, products, processes and services that
seek to reduce environmental damage and waste. In particular throughout our business and in all our activities, in conjunction with Torbay
Council, we will:

  • Utilise, wherever economically viable, the efficient use of energy, water and materials, the sustainable use of renewable resources and the reduction of adverse environmental impacts Contribute to the conservation and protection of the natural environment Search for, propose and, wherever reasonably practicable, adopt low-polluting technologies, processes and practices, employing environmentally sound waste management techniques such as: reducing use of single use plastic, re-use and re-cycling.
  • Operate processes that comply with all relevant legislation and similar requirements such as those prescribed under the Environmental Protection Act 1990: Part 1 and observe the requirements laid down by the Environment Agency. All major incidents of environmental pollution involving the Admiral Swimming Centre or our sub-contractors will be investigated and action taken to mitigate its effects and prevent any re-occurrence. Any incident will be reported promptly as prescribed.
  • Expect our business partners, sub-contractors and major suppliers to share our concern for the environment, and to work with us in identifying and applying best practice.
  • Empower and encourage our team to make informed environmental choices by
    providing relevant information and offering affordable alternatives.
  • Regularly measure key aspects of our environmental performance and periodically report progress to key stakeholders and the wider community.
  •  Contribute lo Torbay Council saim to achieve Net Zero by 20300 ment. This policy will be implemented and reviewed annually. It will be communicated to all persons working for or on our behalf and also be available to other interested parties.